This is a bridge on 676 going into Camden, NJ. I thought it was a striking image

This is a bridge on 676 going into Camden, NJ. I thought it was a striking image
Our Chicken Bob got broody and was able to hatch a brown egg from the barred rock Henney. I think we are going to name it Chiclet.
I just got a new lasagna pan that is twice as deep as my old one. Had a great meal.
It is a warm spring day and Loopsy, Beauty and Brewster the rooster are dust bathing
These are great get together. Good friends and good food.
These are beautiful flowers. I feel so loved.
It was a rough day yesterday. Miss Shelby made my day and gave me a beautiful drawing.
I went to Universal with friends last weekend. Diagon Alley was amazing.
I saw this and wanted to share it. I immediately thought of my brother-in-law, Dan Hopper who is a beekeeper when I saw it.
We had salmon with lime mayonnaise, ham, sweet potatoes, Brussel sprouts, pecan pie and pumpkin pie