Christmas Eve 2020

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care.

The gifts are all sent and should already be there.

Love is sent to all, missing those not here.

In heaven we’ll meet with more hugs to share.

The deaths this year have touch me with a profound sense of loss.

Christmas Art

On of the little girls from church gave me this drawing. It. Was very sweet. Reminds me of how much I miss my granddaughters, Mina and Lily

Love lives here

This was the final touch on our Christmas decorations. I expect it will be a socially distanced Christmas. I decorated like always, so family and friends know that love lives here and they are missed.

Amazing rainbow

I was out delivering a washing machine for Community of Hope, a non-profit I volunteer with. As I was driving up US 1 there was the start of a rainbow forming over the river.

It was just an unformed mass of color.

It became a vibrant half rainbow.

It grew into a full rainbow and was beautiful. A promise from God.

Beautiful day

We went for a bike ride today down A1A to Sebastion. It was wonderful. We stopped at a beach side park by the Sea turtle preservation lab. The ocean was so amazing to watch.

The sea grass against the blue sky reminded me of my cousin Ray’s wife She had such a love for nature. I miss her greatly .

Election 2020

I voted today. It is a privilege and a right to vote. Every citizen should do their duty and vote. With the COVID 19 pandemic, I masked up to vote.

The election supervisor had good protocols set up to stop the spread of the virus. Thank God for all the volunteers who worked to make it happen.