Teacher Workshop at KSC

On the weekend or 2/15-2/16/25 i was able to attend a teachers workshop sponsored by the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station held at the KSC Visitor’s Center. It was a great hands on training to teach the nature of electromagnetic waves to kids of all ages.

The teachers were very informative. We were shown techniques for demonstrating the nature of waves. It was exciting to use an antenna to track the ISS and download an image transmitted from it. The picture had a lot of noise, but it showed how to record data and then decode it.

I am really fortunate that the school I teach at gave me this opportunity. I can’t wait to show the students what I learned.

Vero Beach Gardenfest

I had a wonderful time this weekend going to the Gardenfest. I went with plant loving friends. I brought my little red wagon so I could pick up plants. I was looking for a hibiscus and some milkweed.

There were so many beautiful plants. There were orchids that smelled like chocolate and pitcher plants. I did buy a pitcher plant but no orchids. I have plenty of orchids. I got a Gerber daisy too. We went out to lunch after the show. It was wonderful.

Jam and Jelly making

I went to a UF Extension class on making jam and jelly. We made apple jelly and strawberry jam. It was nice to learn how it is done. At the end of class I was able to take home the strawberry tops for the chickens and ducks. They liked them, especially Daphne the Pekin duck. I liked the aprons they had at class that said “I eat local because I can.”

Birding festival

I don’t really do birding. I have a bird friendly yard and we get lots of feathered visitors. I enjoyed the festival. The Florida Wildlife Hospital had an ambassador owl, who could not be released due to a blind eye.

It was great to drive to the Raddison in Cocoa Beach. I had worked for the NASA Shuttle Logistics Depot that was just down the road a little. I enjoyed seeing how things changed since 2006 when I worked there. At the festival I purchased a new bird house. I’ve been seeing a lot of wrens and thought a nesting house for them might be nice. I put it outside my kitchen window.

Mentor Appreciation Day

National Mentoring Month is January. I was invited to a mentor appreciation breakfast. It was a good event that highlighted the work of Take Stock in Children here in Brevard County. I am mentoring two high school students who are a freshman and a sophomore. It is wonderful to see them grow.

Botanical Fest 2023

I have enjoyed the Melbourne Botanical Fest for many years. This year was very nice. There was local honey dealers and lots of native flowers. The bromeliads were amazing. I really like them and have many in my yard.

Botanical Fest

Open the New Year with flowers

I needed to get supplies for my chickens and ducks at Tractor Supply. They had Amaryllis, Hyacinth on sale. The bulbs were sprouting in a sealed bag, so I rescued them. I stopped at Lowes on the way home and found more in need of rescue. It is the first time I tried Tulips, Daffodils and Hyacinth. I hope they grow.

Rescued Flowers